Starting at $25

Dry Fillets Catfish

Hephziba’s dry catfish is a top and tasty quality product which will positively impact all your meals.
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Fresh Catfish

Whether used in in soups, stews, rice dishes, noodles, fresh catfish adds a unique and smoky dimension to your culinary experience. Its versatility makes it a favorite ingredient in many traditional and contemporary recipes.

Dry Catfish

Dry smoked catfish often holds cultural significance, being part of traditional dishes and use for celebrations like traditional wedding, child chritening, etc. It connects people to the traditional delicaties such as ogbona soup, mixed okra, egunsi soup, efo riro (mixed vegetables).

Fillets Catfish

Fillet catfish is a convenient ingredient for various dishes. It can be easily stored, rehydrated if needed, and incorporated into a wide range of recipes, adding depth and complexity to the flavors.

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